Natural Cancer Treatments that Work

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Alternative Cancer Treatments

As a physician in Europe with many years spent in treating so called "terminally ill" patients, many suffering from cancer and immune system related diseases such as AIDS, I've seen far too many "victims" of aggressive surgical and chemo-therapeutic treatments, who have been given a temporary remission, then gone on to die perhaps six months or a year later as the result of advanced metastases.

Now let's look at the world situation realistically - globally! After the energy industries, the pharmaceutical industry is the second biggest money earner in the world. And introducing new drugs, clinical procedures and therapies costs a huge amount of money - if only to satisfy the requirements of various country's health standards requirements (such as the FDA in the United States). Clinical trials cost a lot of money!

Result - massive marketing campaigns and pushes by Big Pharma to have their procedures and medications become THE standard!

Now, imagine what would be the outcome if I told you that a cancer could be cured with about 80% success rate, just using products which could be found in many kitchen cupboards !!!

Ridicule! Derision! And yet, there is much evidence to indicate that many natural treatments for cancers and other degenerative diseases can be highly effective either alone or in combination with other therapies. Of course, most of these therapies haven't the benefit of strictly controlled clinical trials. Why? Because they are too cheap!!! There is no profit to be made by Big Pharma, who would have to finance the trials. Nor can many of the therapies be patented, since major components of theerapies often occur naturally.

Result - many natural treatments and therapies are derided as quackery and publicity campaigns started against them almost immediately.

And yet there is much statistical and ethnographic evidence, even if a lot is anecdotal, that many alternative cancer treatments are indeed highly effective. And many have been in use for decades. At the very least these therapies tend not to have adverse side-effects, unlike many of their countermarts in alopathic medicine.

So in this blog I want to take a look at many of these alternative cancer treatments and therapies - both from a clinical perspective and from an ethical point of view.


Blogger seller said...

dgdgfdfffd dfdf

7:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is such an informative post. Thanks for posting. Time to time there is a new discovery to fight cancer. I'am planning to have a boat donation, for a help.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Libby said...

If we try to find out how many people are suffering from this killing disease then results will be shocking as there are so many people who are fighting against this disease and many who are not even aware of it. There is wide variety of treatments options to cure it, so it is better to know which option to follow in advance.
Personalized Cancer Therapy

3:26 AM  
Blogger Libby said...

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3:26 AM  

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